Welcome! We are so glad that you are interested in the Estevan Writers Group. Below you will find all the information you need to become one of our members. We can’t wait to meet you!

Before We Begin
Still wondering if the Estevan Writers Group is right for you? No problem. Before making the commitment and becoming a member, please join us for our monthly meeting. We are happy to have you for a free preview.
Meetings are hosted via Zoom and take place the last Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM. Please RSVP ahead of time so we can email you the link.

Step 1: Registration
Ready to take your writing to the next level? We’re so excited to have you! Joining the Estevan Writers Group is an easy process. Annual memberships cost $40 and grant you access to the following perks:
- Monthly Meetings
- Critique Workshops
- Roundtable Discussions
- Priority Retreat Access
- Premium Retreat Rates (In-Person)
- Free Virtual Retreats (Online)
- Access to the Private Facebook Group
- Group Voting Rights

Step 2: Payment
After completing the application form, please e-transfer your annual membership fee ($40) to estevanwritersgroup@gmail.com.
Once received, the EWG board will email you a confirmation and the password to access our Member Area, which has all the information on upcoming member only events, submissions guidelines, and our private Facebook group.
Did you know? The EWG believes in accessible writing opportunities for all; we have two membership bursaries available by application.

Returning Members: Welcome Back
Returning members do not need to complete an application form. Annual membership fees are due: October 27, 2022.
Oh! And welcome back! We’ve missed you!
“Joining the Estevan Writers Group was the best decision I made for myself as an aspiring author. The community, encouragement, and quality of skill I found here has motivated me beyond my wildest dreams. I am forever thankful!”
— Victoria Koops
“The writers group is a very positive influence on my writing as they encourage me to write even through dry periods.”
— Laura Stock

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